
Frequent Flyer

For new cars or frequent flyers who have taken advantage of our Gross & Grimey service within the past three months, our Frequent Flyer service focuses on maintaining a customer’s vehicle. This service is recommended at least twice a year, or as specified by the detailer.

Starting at $79, price is based on size and condition of vehicle.

For those who like a fresh and clean interior year-round, ask about our Magnificently Maintained program!

Gross & Grimey

For vehicles that have not seen us in a while (or ever…), this service will bring your interior back to clean, fresh, and sanitary conditions. This is a must for the “lived in” interior. Gross & Grimey is required for our Frequent Flyer or Magnificently Maintained packages.

Starting at $199, price is based on size and condition of vehicle.

Rewind & Reset

This is a full interior reconditioning service for the aged, abused, or neglected vehicle. All aspects will be assessed using our inspection process and a detailed list of problems and solutions will be provided to restore to the client’s discretion. This service will include our Gross & Grimey interior service and address issues that are not corrected with just an interior cleaning (ie: worn & faded plastics, damaged seats, droopy headliners, broken parts, etc).

Quote upon in-person inspection only.

Call us for service quotes at 603-358-3300.

Vehicle Protection Specialists